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Study with Thea

Thea's trusted AI turns your course material into study kits instantly.

Cut down study time

Unlimited Questions

Free to use, no hidden fees or paywalls

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Cut down study time

Get Started in Seconds!

You can upload anything to Thea, from handwritten notes and pdfs, to lecture videos and study guides.


Describe your test and Thea will create study aids like flashcards and provide practice questions for you to prepare for any exam

Syllabus Handwritten Notes Textbooks PDFs Images Lecture Videos

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Study from Anywhere

With Thea, you can study from anywhere! Thea is compatible with your computer, tablet or smart phone.

80+ Languages

Thea converses in over 80 languages, enabling students to practice studying in a native language to foster greater understanding.

English        Español        Polski        Pусский        ελληνικά        Français        Português        Čeština        العربية        Italiano        繁體中文        Deutsche        Українська        한국어        Dansk        मराठी        Türkçe        Tiếng Việt

Unlimited questions

Research-Backed Studying

Thea's ability to ask you questions strengthens understanding of your subject. Research-backed methods implemented to enhance retention and learning include active recall, spaced repetition, practice question variation and games!

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Practice questions with personalized AI that get harder as you learn.

Generate a personalized study guide to ace your test.

Flashcards and games for memorizing definitions.

Challenge yourself with practice tests.

History Biology Economics Psychology Anatomy Algebra Microbiology Calculus Construction Management Physiology

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Study Any Subject

Thea is designed to help students master any subject with ease. Our AI-powered platform adapts to individual learning needs, offering personalized study paths and resources for everything from math and science to history and literature. With Thea, students have the tools they need to excel in any academic area.

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And the best part? It's free for students!

Thea is currently free for students! Sign up and receive free access through at least January 1, 2025. 

Join the hundreds of thousands of learners on Thea!

Free to use
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Educators & Institutions

Partnering with Thea makes practice easier for students and educators at your institution.

Want to bring Thea into your classroom or Institution? Learn more below.


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Student, Florida

“B+ to A- in my Honors MIS class 😄 clutched up final exam with Thea and got a 96.”

Student, United Kingdom

“This website is AMAZING. I have just discovered it yet I am already in love. It summarises my teacher's PowerPoints and allows me to understand while not taking down a bunch of notes which I will easily forget!!”

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Student, India

I'm sooooo happyy with this website. Whoever made this deserves the world!!!!

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